We are Convergence.

Convergence, formerly The Center for Progressive Renewal, supports the reshaping of organizations, congregations and leaders engaged in an age of movement from “organized religion” to “organizing religion” driven by the values of an inclusive, progressive theological vision for a more just world for all.

Our values are simple.

1 We are committed to a just and generous Christian faith that is moving from "organized religion" to "organizing religion." We believe God’s family includes ALL people; God’s people are responsible for caring for the environment, the poor, the sick, and the vulnerable; that education, healthcare, and civil liberties are vital to abundant life; and that truth is found more often in grappling with the questions than in absolute answers.

2 We believe this kind of faith is what millions of Americans hunger for. In many places our methods for sharing and growing that faith have grown stagnant and decline has set in, but that’s not the end of the story. We believe the Holy Spirit is at work, renewing Christian communities and leadership, and we are eager to partner with you and with the Spirit in that movement.

These values are a reflection of the ethos and energy that we generate and gravitate towards as we do our work in the world. They are additionally undergirded by four main tenets of engagement:


Change moves at the speed of trust. We believe all that is lasting and strong comes from collaboration, the coming together and sharing of resources for the common good. We reject a spirit of competition. 


We are entrepreneurial to our core, seeing ourselves as a member of the “research and development” arm of the Mainline Church. We are willing to take the risks because we are willing to ensure the loss or celebrate the gains. Both are invaluable to our shared learning. 


We are brave in the face of an unknown future and honest about the changes facing the church. We do not pacify people when provocation is a more honorable contribution. We see ourselves as pioneers of a new frontier rather than survivors of a declining institution. 


We believe ALL people are God’s people and therefore called by God for service for the common good. We celebrate and affirm diversity in all forms – sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, faith history, economic status, marital status, physical and mental ability, and education. We work to end oppression and exclusion in all of its forms, starting with our ourselves.