Look for the Helpers

In CPR Connects by anna@convergenceus.orgLeave a Comment

by: Rev. Dr. Anna Hall

We can all feel paralyzed at times by the events occurring outside our congregational walls. Natural disasters, racism, political actions that harm the vulnerable, and so much more are on our screens and in our social media feeds every day. As faith communities, we can struggle to understand our role and how we can help those suffering. 

On days like this, I remember the children’s show host Mr. Rogers and his lesson: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”” 

When I am working with a congregation that wants to take action but doesn’t know where to start, I recommend three places to look for the helpers:

1. Local/state groups – Call other local organizations and faith communities to see how they are taking action. Is there a coalition or group of congregations working together you can join? If not, could you gather local clergy and lay leaders to talk about how you may all work together? Examples of local groups working together include:

Photo by youssef naddam on Unsplash

2. Denominational efforts – Look on your denominational website for materials and action ideas on the issues you are concerned about. Check to see if your denomination has a program working for change on a national or international scale. Examples of these kinds of programs include:

3. National organizations with local/state chapters – Some of my favorite work is done by nationwide organizations that have local and state affiliates. These provide congregations with the opportunity to become connected to their state affiliate. They often have curricula and regular zoom meetings to guide your work, and some even offer coaches. Organizations like this include:

Spend some time getting to know these local, state, and national organizations. Invite a representative to speak to your congregation about their work and how you might help. Once you have heard from these helpers, you will find that you have many options for taking action. Discernment in your faith community may be needed about which actions you will collectively participate in, how you might support these organizations financially, and how you can help them grow their networks. Because of my own congregation’s connection to the New Sanctuary Movement, I already know what is going on in my local area to protect immigrants and refugees and how I can help. Today I received an email from Georgia Interfaith Power and Light about how we can help protect the waterways in my state. Simply being plugged in can shift your faith community from news consumers to change makers. 

Your congregation can move from overwhelm to action simply by looking for the helpers. If you need help finding organizations in your area, discerning how your congregation is called to help, or if you are struggling with conflict or decline that is making it hard to take action, reach out to me at anna@convergenceus.org. I would love to talk with you about how our coaching and consulting can support your congregation.

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