You are the Nurturer. You take the time to make sure each individual in your group or organization is ok. You check-in, you organize listening sessions, you hold space. Only once everyone is valued, nurtured, and heard are you ready to say Yes to the new frontier.
While you may not be on the front lines of a change effort, you pay attention to people and voices that are being left out of the process. You notice when others are frustrated, unhappy, or checking out of engagement with the process. You keep up with other needs as well, knowing that change can't be achieved if everyone's basic needs aren't being met.
- Thinking first about the needs of others
- Making sure all voices are valued
- Building relationships between those with different perspectives
- Wanting time for everyone to process, even in urgent situations
- Disliking tension between those with opposing perspectives
- Finding your time consumed with those who have extra needs
Change Strategies:
Be an advocate for all voices and stakeholders to be included in conversations around change. Articulate clearly the organizational health factors you see that should be part of the deeper work of change. Recruit others for helping group members talk things through, and delegate. You don’t have to do it all yourself. If your organization does not have enough time or capacity for people to feel heard, a strategy shift may be needed, but your overfunctioning will not solve that problem. Be attentive to your needs and practice self-care.
Reflect on these questions to deepen your understanding of your relationship to change:
- Where do you find yourself challenged by change?
- How do you feel when you first hear about a coming change?
- When have you found unexpected gifts in an unwanted change?