Staffing the 21st Century Church

In CPR Connects by Anna Golladay

A campus developer, a community engagement director, or even a congregational advancement specialist–these are just a few position descriptions that churches use when they want someone to assist in both building the congregation and effectively managing costs and revenue streams.

Typically, a congregation with a worship attendance of 500+ would hire a church business administrator. They manage a congregation’s business functions: finances, campus, facilities, human resources, information technology and revenue streams like rentals, schools, and parking lots. Many congregations with 800 to 1,000+ in worship now also hire an executive pastor position to supervise both the business side and the ministry of the congregation’s work.

The reality today is that most of our congregations do not average 1,000, or 500 or even 100 folks in worship on Sunday morning. Yet many congregations are facing the need to reach out to their communities for new members and to develop alternative streams of revenue to support their financial needs.

It is rare for a pastor to bring additional skills in business or community organizing to the church. So how does a church leverage a staff person that can either boost revenues from the campus and/or get out in the community to reach potential congregants and grow the church? It is unlikely to come from hiring a traditional associate pastor or youth pastor. The church needs to carefully construct a staffing plan and job description for full- and part-time positions. These may not be ordained or seminary trained individuals, but they will be gifted and experienced in business development and community organizing. Often if you hire the right people, the results of their work will more than pay for their compensation.

The Center for Progressive Renewal can work with your leaders to develop a staffing plan and job descriptions. We can also recruit and screen applicants for your church to employ. Rates are on a sliding scale and are results based. Contact us when you are ready to take the next step.


Gregg has a passion for growing and starting local churches. He has been in ministry for over 30 years. In addition to solo pastoring two renewal congregations and planting a church, Gregg has served a denominational executive, executive director of a camping ministry and 10 years as an executive pastor in large church settings. He has been with CPR since it began in 2009, and is the Director of Contracted Services. His focus is working with denominational bodies, coordinating local church consulting and leading CPR’s initiative in Staffing Consultation.