“The Catholic bishops of the United States have designated December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as a national day of prayer for migrants and refugees. This day of prayer comes at a time of fear, unrest and uncertainty in our country – especially for our immigrant brothers and sisters who are undocumented, and their children and loved ones.”
Francis calls on Christians to embrace nonviolence in World Day of Peace message
By Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter
Pope Francis has called on Christians around the globe to embrace Jesus’ teachings on nonviolence, saying in his yearly World Day of Peace message that while many countries are experiencing conflict that “violence is not the cure for our broken world.
Sanctuary cities stand firm against Trump
By Ruairí Arrieta-Kenna, Politico
At least three dozen so-called sanctuary cities across the country are standing firm against President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to crack down on them, according to a POLITICO analysis.
Immigrants, advocates fortify resources after Trump election
By Nuri Vallbona, Global Sisters Report
Advocates and attorneys for undocumented immigrants aren’t waiting until Inauguration Day to assist the millions of people who find their status in even greater jeopardy given the campaign rhetoric by President-elect Donald Trump.
Boston’s religious communities seek a path to post-election unity
By Amanda Hoover, Christian Science Monitor
Boston isn’t known for diverse political views, but some 2,600 people gathered Sunday evening to take the first steps toward making the city a model for unity in a time when divisive views have created two very different visions for the nation’s future.
By Peter Steinfels, Commonweal
What kind of a nation chooses as its national leader a verbally abusive, politically inexperienced, temperamentally volatile, maddeningly narcissistic, scapegoating demagogue?
Empower women by standing for religious freedom
By Kristina Arriaga and John Ruskay, Religion News Service
Human rights supporters, particularly advocates for the rights of women, can advance their cause when they join with supporters of religious liberty. Indeed, religious freedom, rightly understood, affirms women precisely by affirming their right to choose what to believe and how to live.
Evangelical Pastor Shunned For Welcoming LGBT People Has A New, Thriving Congregation
By Antonia Blumberg, The Huffington Post
Evangelical pastor Adam Phillips moved to Oregon to start Christ Church: Portland in the spring of 2014. Nine months later, the evangelical denomination Phillips worked for kicked him out and pulled two years of funding from the church.
Should Anti-Trump Evangelicals Leave the Movement?
By Jonathan Merritt, The Atlantic
Sickened by so many evangelicals’ support of President-elect Donald Trump, many leaders are threatening to leave their movement or pretending that they already have.
We can no longer mask the barbarity of the death penalty
By Ford Vox, CNN
The United States is bumbling its way toward the bitter end of the death penalty. As the numbers of executions fall every year, the state-ordered deaths that we do commit become that much more unusual, freakish and unfair applications of the law.
Payday lenders may soon find friends in Washington
By Angelo Young, Salon
Nonbank lenders could soon find themselves with more passive regulatory oversight under a Republican-controlled Congress and White House that could radically upend recent efforts to crack down on predatory lending practices targeting struggling, low-income Americans.