I learned in marriage counseling that if I win an argument and my wife feels diminished, we both lose.
Love Stands
On September 15, I traveled to a gas station in Arizona for the fifteen year memorial of Balbir Singh Sodhi.
Learning to Be Wrong
I was working with a group on racial reconciliation, and I felt frustrated.
Heroes Among Us
Be brave, my friends. The world needs a more just and generous Christianity.
Heroes Among Us
Something wonderful is happening in the Evangelical church in this country.
Your Church Is Probably Lying to You
“Don’t worry about that baby; I love babies … I hear that baby crying; I like it.” Trump said. “What a baby, what a beautiful baby. Don’t worry … Don’t worry about it.”
5 Don’ts For Progressive Church Leaders
It is time for the church to question form while remaining true to function.
5 Don’ts for Progressive Church Leaders
Church leaders, I understand the impulse to throw your hands up in despair, change occupations, or hold out until retirement, at which point you’ll wish the next generation good luck and be done with it.
The Faithful Samaritan
Even Jesus paused his Sabbath to tend to the wounds of his community
The Faithful Samaritan
Even Jesus paused his Sabbath to tend to the wounds of his community.