At the beginning of the year, I choose a word…

In News, Uncategorized by Anna Golladay

At the beginning of the year, I choose a word that I will hold onto, that guides my intention for the year. For 2019, I’ve decided my word is “generous.”

In the coming year, I want to manifest generosity by committing to… 

  • Generous conversations…conversations that create space for others to tell their stories

  • Generous convenings…hosting spaces that connect people to one another

  • Generous agendas…aligning my interest with others in ways that deepen our collaboration and our shared trust

  • Generous silence…being mindful of what I can leave unsaid and the ways I can refuse to take up space with my own need for recognition 

  • Generous advocacy…hoping for and working for all of our wholenesses.

What is your word for the year?