by: Rev. Jim Keat
That’s what the news feels like these days. We’re only 11 days in on round two of a Trump presidency and the noise continues to escalate, from both sides of the political and ideological divide.
How do we navigate all this noise as people of faith, especially people of faith with a progressive or liberal persuasion?
We can’t just put the world on mute, as if we were infants playing peek-a-boo and the world only exists when we’re looking at it. And at the same time we cannot stand in front of a firehose indefinitely, as this amount of water will leave us bruised and possibly even drowned.
What do you do first thing in the morning? What apps do you open first? How quickly do you succumb to doom scrolling? As we take these first steps in a four year ultra-marathon, it is essential that we audit, not only our information inputs, but also the habits (or ruts) we have created and continue to unconsciously perpetuate.
Here’s what I recommend:

Keep your phone out of arm’s reach when you’re in bed. You don’t need to be checking the latest headlines or social media (or your email!) in the middle of the night, let alone first thing when you wake up.
Stop and breathe, even before your feet touch the ground. Remind yourself that you are alive, that your breath has sustained you all night, even without your control. Besides, God just might be as close as your very breath. We’re often too busy to stop and notice. (Moses and the burning bush, anyone?)
Drink a glass of water. Staying hydrated is not just good advice for kids or athletes. It’s essential for any of us who aspire to be human.
Get your news from the news, not social media. Go to the source, or as close as you can, rather than seeing the world through whatever filter an algorithm is dictating. (Bonus points: look into an app like Ground News that gathers news from diverse sources with the intent of exposing our biases and inviting us to read more broadly.)
Make something good. In a world of noisy gongs, create something with love. In a world of doom-scrolling, offer options for hope-scrolling. The weight of the world is not going away, especially during these next four years. Hold on top faith, hope, and love, now more than ever.
One more thing: don’t do it alone. Here at Convergence we are always offering coaching and consulting and cohorts to help you run this race together, never alone. Reach out to us using this form and let us know what you need. One thing that won’t change over these four years is our commitment to being with you every step of the way.