Don’t panic. Don’t be in denial. Do prepare.
A Post-Election Reading List
Don’t panic. Don’t be in denial. Do prepare.
Grieve. Pray. Act.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016. Washington Square Park, New York City.
Grieve. Pray. Act.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016. Washington Square Park in New York City.
CPR Connects Chat: Carol Howard Merritt
Carol Howard Merritt talks with Marlee Walters
The Safety Pin
It’s not useful to become divided over something that is supposed to be a benevolent gesture.
The Safety Pin
It’s not useful to become divided over something that is supposed to be a benevolent gesture.
The Francis Pledge
We hold these truths to be self-evident; that we are created equal and that our discourse with one another is marked by mutual respect, considerate listening, and a genuine concern for the common good.
Resistance As An Act of Love
It has been a deeply challenging week for me and for my family and for my communities.