Over and over again, I was pushed to delve deeper and deeper into the chaos and struggle that is race, politics, theology, and the response of the church.
Common Good News 10/17/16
Common Good News– a twice-weekly newsreel for progressive people of faith.
Powered by Faith in Public Life and Convergence.
Love At Any Cost
I learned in marriage counseling that if I win an argument and my wife feels diminished, we both lose.
Common Good News 10/13/16
Common Good News — a twice-weekly newsreel for progressive people of faith.
Powered by Faith in Public Life and Convergence.
CPR Connects Chat: Claire Bamberg
Claire Bamberg with Carol Howard Merritt
What Will Your Legacy Be?
In the iconic movie, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Doris Day asks about the future in the context of several pivotal relational moments. To each question, the refrain asserts:
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera, sera.
Love Stands
On September 15, I traveled to a gas station in Arizona for the fifteen year memorial of Balbir Singh Sodhi.
Learning to Be Wrong
I was working with a group on racial reconciliation, and I felt frustrated.
Heroes Among Us
Be brave, my friends. The world needs a more just and generous Christianity.
Heroes Among Us
Something wonderful is happening in the Evangelical church in this country.