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We Could All Use A Little Daylight

In Uncategorized by Anna Golladay

I want to know the people in our neighborhood. I want them to help design what happens at our church. I want the people in our neighborhood to connect what happens at our church with meeting or fulfilling a need in their lives. I want to model commitment in such a way that our ministry impact becomes synonymous with our ministry success and everyone who benefits is committed to our shared identity and sustaining our future, together.

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Congregational Change Meets Geese & Dirt – Part One

In Uncategorized by Anna Golladay

Change is hard; brutal even. When done well, people are going to leave. When done poorly, people are going to leave. People ARE going to leave. But here’s the thing: people are going to leave if you don’t change. No one wants to eat stale bread. No one wants to be a part of something that feels so stagnant that movement isn’t just uncommon, but nonexistent.

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Sorry…You Can’t Have It All

In Uncategorized by Anna Golladay

Pastoral ministry is particularly grueling for those of us driven by a sense of moral obligation serve (and save?) our congregations and communities. We feel a new pressure now that our national politics are in such chaos and turmoil. To top it off, we are dealing with aging buildings, committee structures that rarely work anymore and financial strain that can keep us up at night. So, here is the thing: you can keep trying to survive by DOING ALL THE THINGS. Or you can stop.