RSVP Here!
The Roots and Branches of the Sanctuary Movement
“We weren’t trying to break the law. We were offering humanitarian assistance.”
CPR Connects: Healing Spiritual Wounds
I was working with a congregation in the Midwest that seemed to go about every conflict sideways, as if they could not bear to face anything directly.
Being Church in the Trump Years, Part 2
People who survive cancer often call it a gift. It comes as a great disruption and forces a kind of personal reckoning. Something similar could be said about the election of Donald Trump for churches in America.
Why Environmental Problems Are Important to Black History Month
Let’s vow to protect environmental justice and the EPA, critical parts of Black history, past and present.
Being Church in the Trump Years: Part 1
If you are a pastor, priest, or other Christian leader in the U.S., or if you are an active church member, the election of Donald Trump has changed your life and ministry, and not just a little, but a lot, and for the foreseeable future.
Common Good News 2/6/17
Common Good News– a weekly newsreel for progressive people of faith. Powered by Faith in Public Life and Convergence.
100 Days of Action
We have this opportunity before us right now, perhaps in greater measure than it ever has been in the history of our world.
I Am a Priest, and This is Why I Am Pro-Choice
It is easy for those of us born after the Roe vs. Wade decision to forget that, eleven years before the ruling, upwards of five thousand women died from having illegal abortions. Distance from this era of a staggering reproductive health crisis must be treated with elation and caution.
Human Trafficking an Everyday Problem, Super Bowl City Says
Houston hosts Super Bowl 51 on Feb. 5 – and with the event comes heightened attention to human trafficking, and sex trafficking in particular.